“Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak, it’s also what it takes to sit down and listen.”
Winston Churchill
What is Leadership Coaching?
The essence of all coaching is helping to close the gap between performance and potential;
Leadership coaching focusses, refines, and applies the practice of coaching to the arena of leaders. In my sphere that is those building businesses, whether producing products or services, including those owning and/or running such businesses, or those with or aspiring to seniority in such businesses.
Coaching is very much about learning, and unlearning; the learning is perhaps obvious but the unlearning less so; the latter is about recognising and moving away from that which doesn’t work at all, and also doing the same for that which has worked well so far but will take you no further.

Who are you?
You are probably highly motivated but frustrated that you are unable to ‘cut through’ and achieve clarity on your goals and how to achieve them.
You may be running a professional firm which can be a particularly isolated and lonely place frequently with insufficient support and little useful challenge.
You may be an expert in a particular industry or field but recognise a need for input around business disciplines and governance.
You may be struggling to step back from the day to day ‘working in’ your business to spend time ‘working on’ your business to achieve a wider and longer term perspective to enable the refinement of both purpose and strategy.

Richard helped me through a very tough chapter in my business journey. His ability to focus on the solution rather than the problem is second to none and helped me and the business no end.
How does it work?
Trust. Listen. Challenge.
Essentially, coaching works through your hard work – I will focus, challenge, give feedback, create tension, and support but only you can do the hard yards; I’ll be working with you but be under no delusions – you do the work but hopefully in a more focussed way with less wasted effort. Because coaching relies on your work and commitment it does not come with any guarantee of success but hopefully my client endorsements show that I will create the right environment for your success.

Get in touch
Send me an email and let me know when you’d like to chat, I’m free at some point most afternoons and would be delighted to speak with you and discuss how we could work together.